9-11 Ground Zero

9-11 Ground Zero oil painting

Many conspiracy theories have grown up around the collapse of the World Trade Center. As an artist I take the liberty to refer to the sequence of events, no consideration. In my work burn the towers already are in a flashback during the aircraft just before impact. Was the fate of the World Trade Center and the people already sealed long before? And where did the fire-smoke-damage originate in the lower floors?? More... test

Painting: 1539
Date: 2011
Measure: 100 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Snowden and Obama oil painting

08/11/2013: These are the two faces that we see here in Germany every day in the news. Both are American. It's not about good or evil. The point is that we will regain our values​​! And because I still believe in the good in people, I paint!

Painting: 2248
Date: 2013
Measure: 100 x 70 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Detail Edward Snowden oil painting

Detail: The eyes of Barack Obama and Edward Snowden 2013-11-08

Painting: 2252
Date: 2013
Measure: x cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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