Oilpaintings from Christian Seebauer

Threatened habitat

He sees us with fear. Because the habitat of wild animals is shrinking every day. Urban sprawl, approaching border villages and urban fringes push back threatening wildlife far. But us humans the space shrinks every day for a quiet retreat. Peace and security, a secret place and their own social warmth are getting harder to find. One can travel thousands of miles and yet this place is still not available. Retreat, silence and security: how it may look, if we look out from behind the curtain? How do we then evaluate our hectic world and our recklessness?

Painting: 1397
Date: 2011
Measure: 100 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Pictures say more

Dear Website visitors,
my world exists of images and colors. Vivacious oil paintings (eg mystical landscapes), but also environmental and social-critical works. As an artist. I would like to lead you through my world and hope you enjoy it
Christian Seebauer

Painting: 306
Date: 2011
Measure: 120 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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The Trek

For many refugees the long road begins in Eritrea. They leave their homes. Out of sheer fear. And they dream of a better life. For their children. On my picture I accompany as a painter in thought a mom, a dad, and the little child. The child carries his few things themselves. It's about people. And it's about humanity. These people have nothing. Besides the courage to begin a new life. Let's talk. Let us listen to all opinions. Even negative opinions. Also fears and worries. Let us understand the issue. I Paint Therefore

Painting: 2337
Date: 2015
Measure: 120 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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What reason did the people have to create Stonehenge 5000 years ago? There are countless myths, legends and speculations about it. The prehistoric stone circle in the evening sun.Title: Stonehenge

Painting: 729 vergeben
Date: 2010
Measure: 120 x 90 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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The fear of Lampedusa

The original can be in the background the silhouette of Lampedusa still visible. Completely overloaded and inhuman conditions when the young men their escape. The Man Overboard can be seen while in the spotlight of the helicopter, whether he is saved, however, is an entirely different matter. Your old boat has little chance to reach the island safely.
Mitreden auf meinem Blog in der TAZ

Painting: 901
Date: 2011
Measure: 150 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Santa Maria della Salute

Santa Maria della Salute. A Baroque church. In Venice. On the Grand Canal. At twilight, the moonlight reflected in the waves.

Painting: 824
Date: 2010
Measure: 50 x 70 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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The Small Crater הַמַּכְתֵּשׁ הַקָּטָן

The small crater is the size for me right now in Israel! Beautifully. And so unknown that he does not even have a richtgen entry in Wikipedia. (2014-06-07). 1050 km on foot through Israel. A gorgeous country. Much is unknown to us. In that case the media do not. At the Israel National Trail can experience Israel. Just as it really is.

Painting: 2266
Date: 2014
Measure: 40 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Flamingo mother and cub in the oil spill

The danger of the oil rig Deepwater Horizon lurked much further out at sea. Where one no longer sees them. The Deepwater Horizon was an oil drilling platform of BP, which would encourage oil in 1500 meters water depth. On special security measures such as check valves had been abandoned for cost reasons. On 20 April 2010, it was a blowout, and thus to the worst environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In the foreground a mother flamingo, which attempts to clean her small on oil.

Painting: 975
Date: 2010
Measure: 150 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Climate Change Refugees Endangered Wildlife The Arab world on the move: Oil painting of critical social revolution, repression and freedom The axis of evil Oil Spill
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