Israel National Trail, Negev oil painting
For my new website I needed a background.
That's why I painted the Negev desert.
I want to wander on foot.
Without money.
Get to know people.
Hear opinions.
Painting pilgrimage us.
My life's dream.
Painting: 2216
Date: 2012
Measure: 50 x 40 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Der Makthesh Katan Krater הַמַּכְתֵּשׁ הַקָּטָן oil painting
Nach 32 Tagen zu Fuß durch Israel stehe ich hier vor dem Ramon Maktesh Krater.
Einer der beeindruckensten Erosionskrater der Welt.
Ein überwältigender Augenblick.
Atemberaubend schön.
Ich bin ausser Atem vom Anstieg.
Und ich bin alleine hier.
Ein wenig traurig.
Gleich geht es 500 Meter bergab in die Tiefe.
Dann geht es zum anderen Ende des Kraters.
Und dann die Wände hoch.
Mein Wasser muss reichen, sonst wird es lebensgefährlich.
Heute ist es Zeit, meine Eindrücke zu malen.
Painting: 2262
Date: 2014
Measure: 80 x 70 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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The Small Crater הַמַּכְתֵּשׁ הַקָּטָן oil painting
The small crater is the size for me right now in Israel! Beautifully.
And so unknown that he does not even have a richtgen entry in Wikipedia.
1050 km on foot through Israel.
A gorgeous country.
Much is unknown to us.
In that case the media do not.
At the Israel National Trail can experience Israel.
Just as it really is.
Painting: 2266
Date: 2014
Measure: 40 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Mount Karbolet Sunrise oil painting
Just before sunrise I am already at the summit of Mount Karbolet.
Below me, the Negev desert is spreading.
An amazing view.
And one of the best moments on Israel Trail.
Painting: 2317
Date: 2015
Measure: 80 x 60 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Hiking in the Negev oil painting
Shortly after Arad the desert begins.
To hike here is beautiful.
But sometimes really hard.
On my Israel National Trail I have lost more than 20 kilos.
I've never felt better.
Here I have found myself.
Painting: 2329
Date: 2015
Measure: 120 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Hod Akev oil painting
On my long hike through the Negev desert I once stood on Mount Hod Akev.
From this mountain one looks out into the distance of the desert.
There is nothing here but peaceful silence and solitude.
Far down in the valley you can see the Israel National Trail.
To stand and dream here is a privilege.
It was one of my most beautiful moments in the Holy Land.
And now I paint this on canvas.
Painting: 2358
Date: 2016
Measure: 120 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Silence in the Negev desert oil painting
The Negev desert is a mystical place to fall in love with! Once you have been here, you can not forget the breathtaking colors and the liberating expanse! At the top, take a look at the Ramon crater.
Being here while others are still sleeping.
Feel the distance.
And feel the magic of the first rays of sunshine.
That's it!
For this oil painting, a photo of my friend Ralph Burchard inspired me.
I myself crashed here on Ramon Crater on the descent and found an old disposable razor "brand Venus" in the sand.
A luck! Finally shave again!
Painting: 2383
Date: 2018
Measure: 100 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Pink Negev oil painting
As a hiker you are only a small point in the infinite expanse of the desert.
With the headlamp on his head, it is still going on in the dark.
Along the mountains.
In the middle of picturesque Wadi.
And suddenly she goes to the sun.
For a brief moment she dives the Negev desert into a pink, delicate light.
The sky itself is still stockfinster.
If you see the first sunrays on your skin, you know you have to paint one day!
Painting: 2364
Date: 2016
Measure: 70 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Makhtesh Ramon מכתש רמון oil painting
The Makhtesh Ramon and Ramon Crater is the largest erosion crater in the world.
It lies on the Israel National Trail.
Very close to the desert town of Mitzpe Ramon enchant eden.
Wherever you hinblickt or moves you can experience unique landscape.
That what many expect from the Way of St.
James, can be found here.
After my Israel Trail I often think of these scenes.
And she male.
Painting: 2271
Date: 2014
Measure: 100 x 40 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Mitzpe Ramon מצפה רמון oil painting
Bei Mitzpe Ramon, am Rande des Ramon Machtesch Ramon.
Painting: 2295
Date: 2014
Measure: 40 x 30 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Nahal Hava oil painting
The Nahal Hava (Hava Valley) is located in Hazinim Nature Reserve.
Left and right: rocks.
In front of me the Israel Trail.
Among my feet colorful stones and the colored sands of the Negev desert.
Painting: 2323
Date: 2015
Measure: 120 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Barak Canyon oil painting
The Barak Canyon is one of the most beautiful obstacles on the Israel Trail.
Between Barak Night Camp and the Zihor Night Camp wanders through this natural spectacle.
Hemmed in by wanders between the tower High vertical rock walls and climbing through one of this river bed.
Vertical rope ladders make the canyon to the absolute adventure.
Painting: 2278
Date: 2014
Measure: 40 x 60 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Israel Trail in the Negev oil painting
7 weeks I was there on foot.
The Negev desert is a wonderful place to paint.
The colors in this immensity are unique.
The scenery is breathtaking.
Painting: 2296
Date: 2014
Measure: 100 x 150 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Gishron Cliffs oil painting
The last stage of the Israel National Trail.
(If one is started in Kibbutz Dan).
I slept in Yehoram Night Camp Night.
Shortly before the Eilat Israel Trail runs through the Eilat Mountains.
The rocks are intensely red-brown to purple.
The road is sandy and white.
Here you can dream while hiking.
Only a few meters upwards.
Then you see the Red Sea.
Painting: 2282
Date: 2014
Measure: 40 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Mount Karbolet oil painting
Mount Karbolet is often described as the hardest of the 50 stages on the Israel Trail.
He is beautiful.
You walk for hours alone along steep ridges.
Below you is the Negev desert.
And the infinite width.
Walking through the Holy Land is an unforgettable experience.
This oil painting is one of the best known works of its kind on the art scene and in Google Search.
Painting: 2288
Date: 2014
Measure: 50 x 40 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Dead Sea oil painting
The Dead Sea is uniquely beautiful.
And it is a dreamlike motive for painting.
Here one looks in the sunset on the mountains of Jordan.
The white is salt.
It's getting dark soon.
As a painter I can still dream!
Painting: 2391
Date: 2017
Measure: 70 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Nahal Zophar שביל ישראל oil painting
'Nahal' means in Hebrew valley.
It leads me today on my Israel Trail through the countryside.
In the middle of the Negev desert, I suddenly discover two acacia trees that give me shade.
I 'm walking on the road to Barak canyon, one of the most spectacular places on the long-distance footpath.
Painting: 2306
Date: 2015
Measure: 80 x 60 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Negev near Arad oil painting
Here the Negev desert begins.
Painting: 2313
Date: 2015
Measure: 40 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Beautiful Negev oil painting
If you're up here, you can dream! I experienced these moments every day on the Israel National Trail.
Whenever I got up in the morning, I was free! I painted the view of Mitzpe Ramon twice on canvas.
This was my first attempt.
He stays where he is.
Israel and the Negev Desert are uniquely beautiful.
Painting: 2384
Date: 2017
Measure: 100 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Shaharut Negev oil painting
I simply painted this oil painting with my fingers.
It shows the Shvil Israel from Shaharut to Timna Park in all its beauty.
The trail is just a narrow sand path here.
The orange colors and the ocher shades are breathtaking shortly after sunrise.
Painted with oil on canvas.
Painting: 2402
Date: 2017
Measure: 50 x 40 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Makhtesh Katan crater הַמַּכְתֵּשׁ הַקָּטָן oil painting
To stand once in a lifetime here is a privilege.
Your pulse races from the climb .
Below you is one of the largest erosion crater in the world.
It is quiet and lonely at the Israel National Trail .
And I can not share this breathtaking moment .
I'm alone.
Today I painted this landscape .
On canvas.
In oil.
Painting: 2310
Date: 2015
Measure: 150 x 90 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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