Oil Painting motifs from Venice (2)

Sketch Santa Maria della Salute, Venice oil painting

Here I have created a quick sketch in oil and now I do not know if I should color later, or if I leave it, just like that. Let's see ... Eight years have passed and I still like this sketch of Venice. I am still fascinated by the quick piseline, which expresses the church of Santa Maria della Salute imosant and powerful. I will leave it like this: unfinished and yet go as it is: an impressionistic work on Venice (title formerly mistakenly 'San Marco oil painting')

Painting: 818
Date: 2010
Measure: x cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Light and Shadow Venezia oil painting

Just stand still and look into a side alley. How are further behind that? Light and shadow give the channels the charm of an impenetrable labyrinth. But what you see - or rather would like to explore more, which is accessible only by boat (or with the paint brush). Not human beings? Also this is Venice!

Painting: 831
Date: 2009
Measure: 70 x 50 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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On the bridge in Venice, sketch oil painting

Today it has rained a lot. No tourist is here. In the afternoon, I was rewarded with a few rays of sunshine.

Painting: 838
Date: 2007
Measure: 24 x 18 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Venezia Ponte oil painting

Venice is made up of over 100 small islands. You can find thousand places to paint.

Painting: 849
Date: 2010
Measure: 10 x 70 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Scalzi Bridge oil painting

The Ponte degli Scalzi. Venice.

Painting: 707
Date: 2011
Measure: 120 x 60 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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