Oil Spill

Flamingo mother and cub in the oil spill oil painting

The danger of the oil rig Deepwater Horizon lurked much further out at sea. Where one no longer sees them. The Deepwater Horizon was an oil drilling platform of BP, which would encourage oil in 1500 meters water depth. On special security measures such as check valves had been abandoned for cost reasons. On 20 April 2010, it was a blowout, and thus to the worst environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In the foreground a mother flamingo, which attempts to clean her small on oil.

Painting: 975
Date: 2010
Measure: 150 x 100 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Black Gold oil painting

Oceans cover 71% of our earth. And yet we are only just beginning to understand this fascinating habitat better. Protection starts by developing an awareness of the incredible beauty. I can do that the best by painting. Links indicated below: The viscous oil glued the feathers of a seabird, which has lost the fight.

Painting: 984
Date: 2010
Measure: ca x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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